Zerah’s Farm

Rhône Valley Varietals

Preparing for Success. We spared no effort in ensuring that our vineyard has the best foundation possible. To achieve this, we enlisted the expertise of a renowned vineyard consultant and vineyard soils expert. Armed with a backhoe, they meticulously dug multiple pits across our property for a detailed soil profile analysis. The findings revealed a fascinating composition. The surface layers boast a harmonious blend of loam and silty clay loam, as meticulously mapped by the esteemed Sonoma County Soil Survey as the Spreckels loam. Delving deeper, the upper subsoils exhibit a rich diversity of clay loam, silty clay, and clay, while the lower subsoils reveal sandy loam, silty clay loam, silty clay, and clay. However, our meticulous attention to detail unveiled a challenge we must tackle – the soil structure and texture’s impact on drainage. To ensure optimal conditions, we strongly recommend the installation of drainage tiles. While this investment may be costly, the benefits are undeniable. Improved drainage will maximize the efficiency of lime and gypsum applications, leading to enhanced soil structure and the exceptional performance of our recommended rootstocks. With the application of lime and gypsum, we set the stage for a remarkable transformation, elevating the very essence of our soil structure.